Thursday, April 19, 2012

I Bet You Didn't Know-Day 2

I bet you didn't know, that I refuse to have a wedding when the time comes. Honestly, I do not like weddings and I really don't like going to them. Don't get me wrong I love receptions (they're the fun part!) but I can't stand weddings because of the big ordeals about dresses, and I don't like how everyone has to think it has to be perfect. (No one/nothing is perfect!) Long weddings are the worst. I had to go to this one wedding where the preacher talked for about 30 minutes and then we STILL had to sit there and listen to the "beautiful couple" say their vows! I just think, why spend all the money? Most people know if you're getting married that you plan to love each other for eternity anyway. I guess I just don't get what the big hoop-dee-doo is about! At least I can now say I won't ever be forced to go to a wedding again (like I was forced last year!)! I would rather spend that money that I was going to spend on a wedding, on other stuff, like a nice road trip, or lots of books (lol) or anything but a wedding really! (haha)

For anyone that has had a wedding or likes weddings, I don't want to offend you or anything. This is just my opinion and point of view. To tell you the truth, my grandma is actually upset that I plan to never have one. But she will be okay, I know it! She will be just as happy to plan the reception as we get married in a court house!

So that concludes Day 2 and I promise tomorrow will have no complaining in it at all! (teehee)


  1. well you're going to have to come to my wedding so deal!:D

    1. Yeah I guess your right because I wouldn't miss it! :)
