Monday, January 30, 2012

Visiting My Parents

Yesterday, I visited my parents and I had a nice time. Since, I have moved out, sometimes it gets a little awkward because my dad is a little sensitive about me moving out still, so I don't want to say anything to make him anymore upset. He's not just upset about me moving out though, (although I never thought he would actually be upset anyway) but he has also been recently upset because as far as Grandma Darlene (his mom) tells me, he thinks I don't think of him as my dad anymore. According to her, ever since I found out that he was not my biological dad, she says that he has been upset over the fact that they never told me before and that I think differently of him or something crazy like that. But I can definitely assure you that I don't. You see, when I found out that he wasn't my biological dad, I wasn't upset about that part. I was more upset over the fact that no one told me. I think every child deserves the truth right away because it will eventually come out one day anyway. But other than that, I was perfectly okay with everything else. I love the dad that raised me because he's the one that stuck around to raise me! I have no interest in meeting my biological dad anyway because he has lost himself to world of drug and alcohol abuse. He's my DNA but he will never be my dad. Nick Dobruk is my dad. Not Weston Atwell. So, because of all this truth now coming out into the open, it has been a little awkward but I think last night was better than any other night that I have visited. I mean, all of us, my mom, dad, brother, the cat and I all sat in the living room and watched TV for a while, just like we use to when I lived there. There just seemed to be nice atmosphere yesterday. My favorite part was when I went to say good-bye and my dad said "It was nice seeing you," and coming from a big burly guy, it was nice to hear and it made me feel good. It was nice seeing everyone too and I even got up the courage to say "I love you," out loud. I know that might sound silly but my mom and dad aren't exactly the "I love you" type. So saying that out loud made me feel good.

This past Sunday in our small group for Church we talked about how we should show "gifts of love" more often and how we should not be afraid of what other people will think of us for doing that. Sunday really inspired me these past few days and I think that is where last night's courage came from. "I love you." 3 words that are so simple and so easy to say, but why don't more people say them?

On a side note: Besides visiting my parents yesterday, I also noticed some kitties were getting a lot of love! I would like to say how much I love those kitties also!

Nibbles in Sebastian's lap (I think she's helping him with school work!)

My mom and Kesha!

This day definitely shined its love through!

New Look for a New Year!

I have decided to create a new blog, obviously. I wanted a new look and I really like this one. I'm hoping that by creating this new one, I will be more willing to keep up with it, like a blogger is supposed to. (whether anyone is reading it or not) I have experienced many people asking me, "Why blog? Why bother? Why do you want your life all over the Internet?". For anyone wondering, here is my answer. To me, there are many reasons. 1)People who you know that live all over the place and whom you may not see all the time, can see what's up with your life once and a while. 2) I like reading other people's blogs, so why not make my own? 3) It can be therapeutic sometimes, when you might have a problem and someone posts a comment that might help you or brighten your day a little bit. That's why! Having a blog can be more than just those reasons, but I know those are my top 3!
So yes, here is the new blog!
Note: I am still trying to figure out the gadgets and things! :-/