THE HEALTHY: Bell pepper, carrots, celery and steamed cauliflower with some Wishbone Ranch!
Last night I ate the healthiest snack I probably ever made before and it was good! |
THE UNHEALTHY: Last night, Sebastian and I set ribs in the oven to cook along with some BBQ sauce. This afternoon (after they had been cooking all night!) we had them for lunch and boy, where they good!
The Ribs! |
Sebastian enjoying the first few bites! |
THE INDIFFERENT: Sebastian had some bonding time with Max, our turtle, today! Today, we also bought him 35 small goldfish for his delight! Nemo and Nibbles, our cats, were very active today and I got a weird picture of Nibbles coming out from under our roll-away pantry. Silly cat!
Another thing that happened today, is that I finished the book, Faking Faith by Josie Bloss. It was so good that I finished it in 2 days! I never wanted to put it down! Woohoo!
Sebastian and Max bonding time...awe! |
Nibbles and Max bonding time...yikes! |
Nibbles coming out from under the roll-away pantry! |
Nemo and Nibbles following me! |
Thank God for this great day! :)
my sister's cat cough a bird the other day and he chased it though the house