I"VE BEEN BORN! I RECIEVED MY BIRTH CERTIFICATE IN THE CORRECT NAME IN WHICH I HAVE ALWAYS WENT BY! When I first found out about being Briana Atwell to the goverment, I became undecided about which name I really wanted to have, whether I wanted to leave it alone and be called Briana Atwell, because it was my legal name or go through the process of changing my name to match my school and medical records. I was actually quite confused on what to do. But obviously I chose Dobruk and it felt right that way. No matter what, I belong in their family.
This past Monday I went down to the Social Security office to change my name on my social security card to Dobruk also, so that both of my legal forms match. Everything was going along well until they couldn't "automatically authorize" my birth certificate. Why, you ask? Because darn Vital Statistics may have issued my birth certificate but they DIDN'T PUT IT INTO THEIR SYSTEM. The delay is because of their new program and new way of doing things but COME ON! I can't start my life without these things being done! My mom sent an email to Jane Earl (once again) and told her about what's happening now. She replied back today saying that she is working on it and faxed some papers and so I should be able to get my S.S. card name changed soon! YAY! I am so glad that my representative can/has helped me out so much! If it wasn't for her, I wouldn't even have my birth certificate in Dobruk yet! I can not thank her enough! If she decides to run for anything again, I will deffinitaly register to vote just for her! (The ironic thing is, is that because of her, I will be able to register to vote!) haha
Whew! I am so greatful that this situation is FINALLY getting straightened out! By the way, Giant Eagle still calls and they still are waiting for me to start work! Pheonix University calls too now, they can't wait to start me into college! (I CAN'T WAIT EITHER!) I LOVE LEARNING!