I think it's been about 2 week since I last posted something! So many different things have been going on and the nice weather has definitely kept me away from electronics more. I absolutely am loving this weather (except the random couple days where it was cold)!
So you are probably wondering what has happened in the last couple weeks that I have been absent!?
1. Nibbles has gotten spayed and she has to wear a cone to keep her from chewing her stitches out (had to take her back to the vet to get staples put in) but she's doing okay now. (Don't tell but we sometimes take off the cone when we are home and watch her so she can have a break from the stupid thing!)
2. I got new window clings! Yay! (FYI: I love window clings!)
3. I heard my sperm donor's (Wes's) voice for the first time ever. It was very strange picking up the phone and hearing "Hello, this is your father." because 1. You're not my father, Nick Dobruk is, and 2. you chose drugs over me. I was actually a little shaken up by it and I'm not really sure why.
4. Zazzamarandabo died. Zaz (for short) was my mouse. She was the best mouse ever and I know this probably sounds silly to you but I actually cried hysterically after Sebastian told me she died. I love all of my pets very much, even a little ole mouse.
5. I'm STILL waiting on my birth certificate to come in the mail so that I can get a S.S. card then I can get an I.D., THEN I can start working at Giant Eagle. God bless them for being to patient. They call every week to see if I have my stuff yet and when I say "No, I'm so sorry!" they repeat, "It's okay! It's okay! No worries!".
6. I biked completely around the Peninsula for the first time EVER with Sebastian! It was so much fun and it made me feel real accomplished because honestly, I didn't think I could do it. We even packed a lunch, strapped it to Sebastian's bike and grilled ourselves a nice meal after about 3/4 of the way done!
Me in front of one of the ponds. |
Grillin'! |
I wanted to go swimming so bad! But I knew that the water was only about 40!! |
7. Sebastian received a job at Mercyhurst college being a dishwasher but will move up to better (cooking) positions quick because the people that interviewed him really liked him and his "work ethic"! I am so excited and happy for him, he will get real good health insurance, a raise every year AND half offMercyhurst tuition!!!! He will go to college in the Fall to their culinary program they have based at the Northeast campus. I AM SO PROUD!
8. And last but not least, got to go to Grove City with the best neighbors ever! You know who you are!
So, there you have it! Ah, it felt good to type again!