Yep, that's what my essay is going to be about in my composition class. What better subject to write about?! I have to write a compare and contrast essay so I thought this was a good match since I love books so much. And in case anyone is wondering, I am on the side of paperbacks! I don't mind reading an ebook/iBook here and there but I love the feeling of actual paper in my hand. What is your stance?
So my birthday is in a couple days! Eeek! I am not only excited for that but I am also excited to get Halloween done and over with. I like passing out candy and all but once Halloween is over then I get to put up my Thanksgiving flag and my Christmas tree!!! I know they are 2 separate holidays but in my house I combine them as one because isn't it all about being thankful and loving each other anyway? Obviously, Christmas is a little more than that, it's Jesus' birthday but I just love having two months of pure excitement and love-filled air! This is seriously the best time of the year!!!!! I don't think any amount of exclamation marks could show how excited I am! I love Thanksgiving because everyone comes together and cooks and brings a dish to share. I usually bring Corn Casserole and homemade New York style cheesecake while Grandma Darlene usually does the turkey and some side dishes. My mom usually bakes a pie or two and Grandma and Papa usually bring the biscuits! What a feast! And I love Christmas because of everything it stands for: Jesus' miracle birth, giving to others, cherishing family time and most importantly LOVE! (Also, I really like Christmas music! I've already started listening to it...) Christmas is about loving and giving which is what we need more of in this world. Soooo, let the holidays begin!
As of some day in Novemeber, I will be working at Giant Eagle for 6 months! Woohoo! It seems forever ago now that I was dying to get everything straightened out and now look?! 6 months have flown by! I am so grateful to be a real person it's not even funny!
Well, I will be off to work for a couple of hours that I offered to take for someone, so I will finish with this: "Sometimes you will never know the value of a moment until it becomes a memory"-Dr. Seuss. Try to value everyone moment.
Faith, Hope & Love
abide these three, Corinthians 13:13
Saturday, October 27, 2012
Monday, October 8, 2012
Vroom Vroom!
Life just keeps moving on! Taking you places and changing lanes on you! I can also do that too now that I got my driver's lisence last Wednesday! I passed it on the first try!!!! (I passed my permit test on the first try too so I was hoping it would turn out the same!) I think the guy who did the test with me was really impressed and passed me mostly because I did my parrallel parking PERFECTLY. I never parked so well before and I am quite impressed by myself. So now that I can drive I feel like a real adult. I have a job, an apartment, a boyfriend I've been with for almost 5 years now and a driver's lisence with a car! LIFE IS SMASHINGLY GOOD! (Oh yeah, and I love my college classes too!)
My birthday is coming up on the 29th of this month. I will be 19! It seemed like it took forever to get to 18 years of age but to think that I will be 19 in a matter of weeks is crazy! Also, on the 10th of October is my Grandpa Buddy's birthday (my dad's dad) and he will be...umm... maybe he won't want that online! But I'm sure he will be thinking of it as just another day. October 10th is a special day for another reason because on that day, one year ago, Sebastian and I embarked on our "living on our own" journey. Can you believe it?! We will have lived together for a whole year! And since we obviously plan to be together forever, we have also set a wedding date. Yep, that's right! But don't worry, it's not for a couple of years, we will be going on 21 by then. June 14th, 2014 is when we decided we will "tie the knot". If my grandma and papa are still living at this current address by then, we would like to have a ceremony outside. No, I will not be wearing a white wedding dress but I do plan on having lots of food and a DJ because that's the most important part anyway!
All in all life is good!
My birthday is coming up on the 29th of this month. I will be 19! It seemed like it took forever to get to 18 years of age but to think that I will be 19 in a matter of weeks is crazy! Also, on the 10th of October is my Grandpa Buddy's birthday (my dad's dad) and he will be...umm... maybe he won't want that online! But I'm sure he will be thinking of it as just another day. October 10th is a special day for another reason because on that day, one year ago, Sebastian and I embarked on our "living on our own" journey. Can you believe it?! We will have lived together for a whole year! And since we obviously plan to be together forever, we have also set a wedding date. Yep, that's right! But don't worry, it's not for a couple of years, we will be going on 21 by then. June 14th, 2014 is when we decided we will "tie the knot". If my grandma and papa are still living at this current address by then, we would like to have a ceremony outside. No, I will not be wearing a white wedding dress but I do plan on having lots of food and a DJ because that's the most important part anyway!
All in all life is good!
Friday, September 28, 2012
New (Used) Car!
Since our ever so lovely '98 Plymoth Breeze will not get to pass inspection this November (due to rust, damage and just being plain old) and the fact that the PT Cruiser still only leaves us with one car, we just finalized the plans for a new (used) one! It is a Dodge Intrepid. And for being a 2000, it's in pretty darn good shape, has a lot of miles still left for it to run, and came at a great price!
The car will be driven off the lot on Monday and hopefully, I will pass my drivers test this upcoming Wednesday. Then we will have two cars for the both of us and I will finally be a complete adult that has a job and can drive! (Fingers crossed for next Wednesday!) If I don't pass though I will just reschedule as soon as possible, no biggie.
And then maybe one day, (if Sebastian ever finds time) him and my dad will work on the Lincoln MarkVIII that is sitting at my Grandma D's house just waiting (and wishing!) to be repaired and we will have 3 cars! Hmmm, the possibilities!?
Thursday, September 27, 2012
Fall is here!
Fall is here! Hooray! Hoorah! Yippee! As you probably can tell, I really love Fall! It is my favorite season of all.
As you can see, the leaves are starting to change and starting to fall already:

I love how this tree has patches of changing leaves. It's so pretty.
I find so much symbolism in Fall. I just love how everything is getting ready for Winter and starting to fall asleep. I find hope in that. I find hope in the fact that they will wake up next Spring and it will be a whole new year with new adventures and new things to see. I believe that it goes to show that sleeping or dying isn't the end. It's only a waiting period for a new day, a new beginning. Fall makes me believe that there is more life than just this. Fall makes me have hope. Hope is what gives me strength to go through hard and difficult times. Hope is what relaxes me when there is nothing else left I can do. I think if I ever lost hope, I would end up lost and I wouldn't know where to go next. Hope fuels me to keep on going. I think hope is what makes me such a happy person.
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad
As you can see, the leaves are starting to change and starting to fall already:

I love how this tree has patches of changing leaves. It's so pretty.
I find so much symbolism in Fall. I just love how everything is getting ready for Winter and starting to fall asleep. I find hope in that. I find hope in the fact that they will wake up next Spring and it will be a whole new year with new adventures and new things to see. I believe that it goes to show that sleeping or dying isn't the end. It's only a waiting period for a new day, a new beginning. Fall makes me believe that there is more life than just this. Fall makes me have hope. Hope is what gives me strength to go through hard and difficult times. Hope is what relaxes me when there is nothing else left I can do. I think if I ever lost hope, I would end up lost and I wouldn't know where to go next. Hope fuels me to keep on going. I think hope is what makes me such a happy person.
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad
Wednesday, September 26, 2012
A Balance
I feel as though I have finally found a perfect balance between work, school, housework and other activities. Giant Eagle cut my hours at work to 24/week but Sebastian and I agree that it's okay for now, for I need time to do the things that he can't do since he goes to work and school pretty much 24/7. For example, I have time to do laundry, house cleaning, and cooking besides my own school work. I take care of everything else while he works his butt off for the both of us and I dearly, graciously love him for that. He never has to worry about whether he will have clean work clothes or not or whether he will have to get ready in a clean or dirty bathroom because I try my best to make sure he has what he needs. I make a pretty good housewife if I so say so myself! (lol) I am not perfect though, please do not think that I think I am. I know I am not. No one is. But I try my best and that is all that counts.
I am still sad that Little Grandma passed away last week. However, I am learning it is just a part of life that is hard but you can live through it. I have only ever went to two funerals before hers so I still didn't know what to expect last Wednesday and Thursday at the viewing and service. I did not cry because she lived a long life of 96 years. 96 years. I also did not cry because I have the comfort of knowing that one day we will meet again. I felt sad yes, I am not heartless, but I somehow felt like it was okay because she would tell me everytime I visited her that her time was coming. She would tell me that it was going to be okay and to not cry over her because she was going to see us all again. She was waiting while the rest of us denied it. We all thought she was going to live to 100. But she didn't and that is still okay. It's okay. She graced us with her presence and one day we will be graced by it again, along with God's grace too.
I did recently just get good news about my grades for my first two classes at Phoenix U Online. I passed Personal Finance with a B+ and Univiersity Studies with a A+! My goal was to get 2 A's and I was SO CLOSE with that B+ but I suppose I can still pat myself on the back for a job well done. I feel like I tried hard so that's what matters. I am now starting my next 2 classes which are: Composition I and Health & Wellness. I am excited for I love both of these subjects!
Sebastian's midterms at Mercyhurst Northeast will be coming up soon and so far he's doing excellent! He sometimes stresses out about having time to do school work since he has to work full time inorder to keep his 50% off tuition, but I try to help him the best I can. I help him stay organized and read his text aloud to him because sometimes that helps. I am deffinitaly very proud of him and what he is accomplishing! (And I love that he still finds time to make me dinner once and a while and suprises me with sweet little things!)
I am still sad that Little Grandma passed away last week. However, I am learning it is just a part of life that is hard but you can live through it. I have only ever went to two funerals before hers so I still didn't know what to expect last Wednesday and Thursday at the viewing and service. I did not cry because she lived a long life of 96 years. 96 years. I also did not cry because I have the comfort of knowing that one day we will meet again. I felt sad yes, I am not heartless, but I somehow felt like it was okay because she would tell me everytime I visited her that her time was coming. She would tell me that it was going to be okay and to not cry over her because she was going to see us all again. She was waiting while the rest of us denied it. We all thought she was going to live to 100. But she didn't and that is still okay. It's okay. She graced us with her presence and one day we will be graced by it again, along with God's grace too.
I did recently just get good news about my grades for my first two classes at Phoenix U Online. I passed Personal Finance with a B+ and Univiersity Studies with a A+! My goal was to get 2 A's and I was SO CLOSE with that B+ but I suppose I can still pat myself on the back for a job well done. I feel like I tried hard so that's what matters. I am now starting my next 2 classes which are: Composition I and Health & Wellness. I am excited for I love both of these subjects!
Sebastian's midterms at Mercyhurst Northeast will be coming up soon and so far he's doing excellent! He sometimes stresses out about having time to do school work since he has to work full time inorder to keep his 50% off tuition, but I try to help him the best I can. I help him stay organized and read his text aloud to him because sometimes that helps. I am deffinitaly very proud of him and what he is accomplishing! (And I love that he still finds time to make me dinner once and a while and suprises me with sweet little things!)
Tuesday, August 28, 2012
Tidbit of a Poem
I wrote this poem when I was about 10. It made me smile so I'd thought I'd share it!
The cheeseburger sat alone one day.
The pickles didn’t want to play.
The ketchup stayed in the fridge to sleep.
The onions sat in the cupboard to weep.
As the cheeseburger began to cry,
It caught a little boy’s eye.
You probably know what happens next.
The little boy has no regrets.
He says it is so good and yummy.
Now there’s nothing else to satisfy his tummy.
Obviously I had an aversion to cheeseburgers when I was young... :)
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad
The cheeseburger sat alone one day.
The pickles didn’t want to play.
The ketchup stayed in the fridge to sleep.
The onions sat in the cupboard to weep.
As the cheeseburger began to cry,
It caught a little boy’s eye.
You probably know what happens next.
The little boy has no regrets.
He says it is so good and yummy.
Now there’s nothing else to satisfy his tummy.
Obviously I had an aversion to cheeseburgers when I was young... :)
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad
Monday, August 13, 2012
I Speak for the Trees
The answer is YES, I am still alive! I have actually had complaints that I have not blogged in a while (I do miss it) so I though I would give it a go today since I have some TIME. When you work and go to college time is something that becomes precious and seems to disappear quickly. I have found this out these past couples months.
"So, how's life?" you ask? Here's how:
1) I have become absolutely OBSESSED with new Lorax movie. I have watched it about 5 times in the past week. (That's where all off my free time goes!) "I speak for the trees, for the trees have no tongues," and yes, I cried when they chopped down that first tree. It broke my heart. :(
2) I got my permit! Woot woot! 18 years old and finally, finally.... finally got it! (On the first try too!)
3) I'm still working at Giant Eagle and Sebastian is getting back to work from summer vacation at Mercyhurst.
4) Sebastian starts college on the 28th of this month and will be going to classes in the morning, then working from 4 till 9?10?11?12? whenever they close almost everyday. Boy, is he REALLY going to look forward to summer vacation now! lol
5) I am in week 7 of Phoenix University online and I am loving it! In case you forgot, I am going for an arts degree with a concentration on communication. Later on it will become a Bachelor's degree in journalism (mostly likely).
6) Sebastian and I went to Cedar point for the first time of our lives and had an awesome time on all the roller coasters! Of course, the day we went it had to be the hottest day of the summer so we mainly stuck around by the water rides and oh boy, did those Fast Lane passes come in handy then!
Well, that's about it. Nothing that new and exciting but it's all good stuff. The only bad thing that happened was that Little Grandma (my 96 year old great grandma) was taken to the hospital because the swelling in her legs wouldn't go down and it was getting really bad but she's okay now. All is well in my world right now, I couldn't be happier! And just in case you are wondering, Sebastian and I are starting to count down to our 5 year anniversary in December! I can't believe it's been that long!
Picture time! Yay!
"So, how's life?" you ask? Here's how:
1) I have become absolutely OBSESSED with new Lorax movie. I have watched it about 5 times in the past week. (That's where all off my free time goes!) "I speak for the trees, for the trees have no tongues," and yes, I cried when they chopped down that first tree. It broke my heart. :(
2) I got my permit! Woot woot! 18 years old and finally, finally.... finally got it! (On the first try too!)
3) I'm still working at Giant Eagle and Sebastian is getting back to work from summer vacation at Mercyhurst.
4) Sebastian starts college on the 28th of this month and will be going to classes in the morning, then working from 4 till 9?10?11?12? whenever they close almost everyday. Boy, is he REALLY going to look forward to summer vacation now! lol
5) I am in week 7 of Phoenix University online and I am loving it! In case you forgot, I am going for an arts degree with a concentration on communication. Later on it will become a Bachelor's degree in journalism (mostly likely).
6) Sebastian and I went to Cedar point for the first time of our lives and had an awesome time on all the roller coasters! Of course, the day we went it had to be the hottest day of the summer so we mainly stuck around by the water rides and oh boy, did those Fast Lane passes come in handy then!
Well, that's about it. Nothing that new and exciting but it's all good stuff. The only bad thing that happened was that Little Grandma (my 96 year old great grandma) was taken to the hospital because the swelling in her legs wouldn't go down and it was getting really bad but she's okay now. All is well in my world right now, I couldn't be happier! And just in case you are wondering, Sebastian and I are starting to count down to our 5 year anniversary in December! I can't believe it's been that long!
Picture time! Yay!
Nemo, as he sits on the couch like, "hey". |
Testing out the underwater capabilities of my camera. |
I'm wearing my most favorite piggy shorts!!! |
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